Dear Lucia,

I have a relationship with a woman player, but I’m kinda falling for her because she is my type. She always says we’re just friends and we’re just getting some from each other. I feel that she likes me, but I don't know how to move things to the next level.

How can I control her? How can I make her fall in love with me? How can I make her head spin? Noah


Dear Noah,

You want to know how to control her? To quote Frederick Douglass, one of the foremost leaders of the abolitionist movement, “No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.”

In other words, if you seek to enslave, you will be enslaved. It’s already happening. You’re spending time writing to me and sitting around wondering how to make her head spin.

Sure, you can always do it by giving her the best sex she’s ever had and then playing “Now you’ll hear from me and now you won’t.” However, that won’t make her fall in love with a capital L. That will make her obsessed with you because of her ego.

It sounds as if you're insecure because you're not in a relationship with her, and you're trying to gain security with a title.

If you truly want to make a person fall in love with you, you naturally have to have chemistry to begin with. This can’t be faked. It’s either there or it isn’t. Afterwards, you have to have a foundation of friendship and respect. Only then, will there be a possibility of true love happening.

Finally, if you really love someone, you don't try to control them.