Hi Lucia,

I went on a date with this guy and he texts me every other day. We only went on one date and he's not calling, only texting.

When I brought it to his attention jokingly, he just texted me back hours later joking about what I said.

Should I ignore his text since he isn't putting in the effort to ask me out again?  Do you think he's breadcrumbing me?  Should I go  out with other guys?  Desiree


Hi Desiree,

Texting has become a double-edged sword. While it’s often convenient, people who don’t have great conversational skills or are not that interested are using it to hide behind.

You’ve only gone on one date and you are already making this guy soooo important. If you feel like responding, go ahead. If you’re busy or don’t want to respond, then don’t. Getting upset about it is not going to get you anywhere. Instead see it as a clue as to his feelings for you. Never make someone a priority when they only see you as an option.

It's possible that he's breadcrumbing you if it's been more than a week since the date and he hasn't asked you out.  He wants to pretend that he's interested, just in case he wants to see you again in the future, but not interested enough to ask you out again right now.

Should you go out with other guys? Why is this even a question? Until you’re engaged, married or in an exclusive, committed relationship, you should always date other guys!